Thermo Fisher AM7021 500 mL RNA<i>later</i>Stabilizer
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AM7021 500 mLRNAlater stabilizing solution

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Ambion™ RNAlater
Tissue collection: RNA fixative is water-soluble, non-toxic A tissue-toxic preservation reagent that can quickly penetrate into tissues to fix and protect cellular RNA. The specification is 100ml bottle.

• One reagent can quickly inactivate RNase and stabilize RNA in tissues or cells

• No need to freeze samples in liquid nitrogen or quickly transfer samples to a laboratory refrigerator

• No need for freezing and grinding of most tissue samples

• Ideal for “field” tissue collection

• RNA is stable for 1 day at 37°C and 1 week at 25°C , 1 month at 4°C, indefinitely at -20°C.

• Compatible with most RNA isolation procedures including most RNA isolation kits

RNAlater™ fixes and protects intact, unfrozen tissue samples RNA in cells, eliminating the need to quickly process tissue samples or freeze samples in liquid nitrogen for subsequent processing. Tissue blocks can be obtained and immersed in RNAlater™ for preservation without affecting the quantity and quality of RNA obtained for subsequent RNA isolation. RNAlater™ can be added to cell pellets or even cells in culture medium, and the sample can then be stored with or without freezing.

Use of RNAlater™

Tissue sections (all sizes less than 0.5cm) only need to be immersed about 5 times at room temperature volume of RNAlater™ is sufficient. The solution penetrates the cells and fixes the RNA. Samples can then be stored indefinitely at -20°C (tissue is not frozen), up to 1 month at 4°C, and up to 1 week at 25°C. For RNA isolation, simply remove the RNAlater™ from the tissue and process it as you would the tissue you just obtained. Most tissues can be homogenized by transferring directly to lysis buffer. RNAlater™-treated and frozen samples can be ground in a mortar or thawed, and then processed as fresh tissue. There is no need to worry about cell rupture releasing RNase because the RNase has been inactivated. Cells can be separated from RNAlater™ by centrifugation and then added to the lysis buffer. In some cases, RNAlater™ can be added directly to the lysis buffer together with the cells. .

Compatible with a variety of experimental protocols

RNAlater™ Compatible with one-step RNA isolation methods, such as TRIzol™ Reagents; compatible with glass binding methods, such as Qiagen's RNeasy™ or Ambion™ RNAqueous™; compatible with acid-phenol extraction methods, such as Ambion™ ToTALLY RNA™; also compatible with mRNA selection methods using oligo-dT, such as Ambion™ Poly(A)Purist ™.

Applications of RNAlater™

RNAlater™ has been used in a variety of mammalian tissues and plants , E. coli, toads, fish and fruit flies were tested. RNAlater is suitable for:

• Protecting RNA integrity in RNase-rich tissues

• Collecting samples at different time points without having to re-sample them at each time point Process samples immediately

• Preserve tissue for future microdissection

• Submerge animal hollows or organs in RNAlater™ < /i>To immobilize RNA

• Collect samples in locations where rapid RNA isolation is not possible (e.g. hospital, field, space shuttle)

• Transport samples at night on wet ice or even at room temperature

Internal research and recently published independent research have shown that tissue preservation using RNAlater™ does not affect the results of subsequent RNA expression analysis experiments compared to other processing methods.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.